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ONCO test-PDO™️

In-vitro test that, based on 3D models obtained from the patient's own tumor, evaluates and quantifies the response of tumor cells to different combinations of chemotherapeutic agents and molecular target therapies.
Available exclusively from OC Precision Medicine, the ONCO-PDO™️ test offers the latest in the world of precision cancer medicine.
Teste Onco-PDO

Onco-PDO™️ is the latest in Precision Oncology

Created to assist in decision making for oncological treatments, this test allows an analysis of the tumor’s response to different combinations of chemotherapy and molecular target therapies, helping to determine a 100% personalized, much more effective and assertive treatment.

The Onco-PDO™️ Test is performed from tumor material, extracted by biopsy or puncture. The collected cells undergo culture and treatment, generating clusters genetically identical to the tumor, called PDOs (Patient-Derived Organoids).

From these, in-vitro 3D models are created to which the treatment possibilities chosen by the physician are applied. The tumor response is quantified and analyzed for each combination of drugs and therapies, making it possible to identify which will be more assertive for that patient, individually.

The differentials of the Onco-PDO™️ Test

Evaluation of tumor response to different therapies before even applying them to the patient: 100% individualized treatment.

The test offers a new level in the study of sensitivity and resistance that the tumor has to different paths and combinations of therapeutic agents, enabling to understand precisely what the response will be to each possible treatment before applying them to the patient.

In addition, the Onco-PDO™️ Test is also distinguished by:

  • The drugs to be tested in the laboratory are chosen by the oncologist himself, with the possibility of using polychemotherapy schemes;
  • The patient’s in vitro 3D model enables testing with up to 8 different treatments, combined or not;
  • The doctor can count on the assistance of the team of specialists OC Precision Medicine throughout the process, from the choice of therapeutic pathways to be tested to the interpretation of the results obtained.

Steps of the Onco-PDO™️ Test

Tumor tissue samples are taken by biopsy or puncture.
The tumor cells are replicated in the laboratory and give rise to PDOs, or Patient-Derived Organoids: 3D models of the tumor, genetically identical to the original.
The physician, who can be advised by the OCPM Team, chooses which therapeutic combinations should be tested and will be applied to the PDOs.
After applying all the therapeutic combinations, a report is generated containing quantitative values of the tumor response obtained for each one.

In which tumors can the Onco-PDO™️ Test be applied?

The Onco-PDO™️ Test is mainly indicated for patients in advanced stages of cancer, those in whom tumor growth has been observed to return after standard therapy, that is, those in whom the first line of treatment has not shown a satisfactory response.

The test is available for the following tumors:

  • Breast
  • Ovary
  • Lung
  • Colorectal
  • Pancreatic
  • Gastric
  • Prostate

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